HAMLIB SDK Version 4

Evolving the JT-ware Software Developer's Kit (JTSDK)

Installation Build x64 Build x86 Developers Notes Questions Sourceforge Download

JTSDK 4.0 Deployment Guide

PowerShell Security Warnings

Execution Policy Change
The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing 
the execution policy might expose you to the security risks described in the 
about_Execution_Policies help topic at https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170. 
Do you want to change the execution policy?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "N"):


Preparation: Deploy a Virtualisation Environment

Pre-Requisite: Ensure that the latest WSJT-X and/or JT-ware Release is deployed.

Step 1: Deploy the JTSDK64-4.0.0.exe Installer and the latest Update package

The latest "Tools" package (if available) can be found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/hamlib-sdk/files/Windows/JTSDK-4.0-Stream/ .

Step 2: Launch the Installation Environment

Preparation: Disable Antivirus Real Time Scanning

Special Note for Windows 11, Update Packages and VC Runtimes Deployment

           JTSDK Setup v4.0.0

  Required Tools

     PowerShell ..... 5.1.26100.1882
     VC Runtimes .... Not Installed
     Git ............ Not Installed
     OmniRig ........ Not Installed

  Qt Tool Chain(s) Deployed

    Qt: none

    Tools: none

  Optional Components

     VS Code ........ Not Installed
     Boost .......... Not Installed

  Post Install / Manual Setup Commands

     Main Install ... postinstall
     MSYS2 Shell .... msys2
PS C:\JTSDK64-Tools>


  JTSDK64 Tools Post Install/Redeployment Selections

 At the prompts indicate which components you want to
 install or redeploy.

 For VC Runtimes, OmniRig, Git, MSYS2 and VS Code use:
 --> Y/Yes or N/No

 Qt deployment now just runs the Installer and/or
 Maintenance Tool and no longer offers a scripted
 deployment option. Use:
 --> Y/Yes or N/No

 NOTE: VC Runtimes, Git, Qt and MSYS2 are mandatory to
 build JT-software. The Latest PowerShell is highly

* Enter Your Install/Redeployment Selection(s):

 (recommended) Latest PowerShell (Y|N) .:
(required) VC/C++ Runtimes (Y|N) .....:
(required) OmniRig (Y|N) ..............:
(required) Git-SCM (Y|N) ..............:
(required) Qt (Y|N) ...................:
 (required) Qt 6.6.3 (Y|N) ..........: N
 --> Create link to Qt (Y|N) ........:
(required) MSYS2 Setup (Y|N) ..........:
(optional) VS Code (Y|N) ..............:
* Your Installation Selections:

  --> Latest PowerShell ................: Y
  --> VC Runtimes ......................: Y
  --> OmniRig ..........................: Y
  --> Git ..............................: Y
  --> Qt ...............................: Y
  --> MSYS2 ............................: Y
  --> VS Code ..........................: Y
Follow on-screen prompts carefully.

Manual intevention with installation programs will be required.

If anything goes wrong RE-START the postinstall script, selecting 'N' to the option that failed.

Note: Deploying Qt

Step 2a: Prepare the MSYS2 Environment


For main menu, type ..: menu
For Help Menu, type ..: jthelp

Copyright (C) 2013-2024, GPLv3, Greg Beam, KI7MT and JTSDK Contributors.
This is free software; There is NO warranty; not even

sdk@radio ~
JTSDK64 Tools Main Menu

 1. Set MSYS2 path to find Qt compilers
 2. Update MSYS2
 3. Install Hamlib dependencies
 4. Install msys64 GNU Compilers
 5. Install FL-app dependencies
 6. Update MSYS2 Keyring (Deprecated)
 7. Build Hamlib - Static Libraries
 8. Build Hamlib - Dynamic Package
 9. Add Hamlib to pkgconfig
 a. Clear Hamlib Source
 b. Select HAMLIB Repository
 h. List help commands
 v. List version information

 e. Enter 'e' or 'q' to exit

Enter your selection, then hit :

Step 2b: Update the MSYS2 Environment

Step 2c: Install Hamlib Dependencies

Step 3: Set Up The Main Tools Environment

(Optional) Step 3a: Upgrade your Qt Deployment

Example: Adding additional Qt Kits

There must only be ONE marker file indicating the Qt version selected in x:\JTSDK64-Tools\config

If the system abends with a warning check the x:\JTSDK64-Tools\config directory and remove the unwanted item with the prefix 'qt'

Step 3b: Deploy Hamlib

Step 3c: Deploy Boost for our selected Qt/MinGW Version.

 ** THIS IS SLOW **. Despite "dropins" being available on the Sourceforge and Github the best procedure is to build your own.
A commandlet  Reset-Boost.ps1 is available to reset Boost builds.

   Environments should now be complete for building JT-ware  

Step 3d: Deal with JT-ware packaging issues

There are build errors at the final packaging stage that may arise that can be overcome with this simple set of steps..

Step 4: Build your JT- Software

Upgrades and Updates


Maintenance Updates

It is ESSENTIAL that any available update packages be applied to a deployment.

Application of Maintenance Update packages

Conclusion and Further References

Editor: Steve VK3VM/VK3SIR Contact