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Installation | Build x64 | Build x86 | Developers | Notes | Questions | Sourceforge | Download |
You may receive the following security notification:
Execution Policy Change The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy might expose you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic at https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170. Do you want to change the execution policy? [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"):
It is safe to select Y. These scripts are not any processor flaw tests. Remember that developing these scripts is also a learning exercise for the Development Team.
It is recommended to deploy the JTSDK into a fresh Windows Virtual Machine. For those unfamiliar with "Virtual Machines" and "Virtualisation Technologies" you shoud refer to https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/virtualization/what-is-virtualization .
Note: Almost EVERY CPU that Runs Windows x64 these days has virtualisation support.
If you have concerns please refer to https://www.technorms.com/8208/check-if-processor-supports-virtualization .
There are lots of virtualisation environments available. Click on the links below to obtain details on how to deploy these systems:
Trial Virtual Machine images for Windows 10 (with Microsoft's Compiler Suite) can be downloaded from https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines.
These Virtual machines should have a lifetime of at least 30 days.
Due to changes within CMake from version 3.28.0 onwards, it may be necessary to have a current deployment of WSJT-X and/or your JT-ware variant that you are working on deployed and IN THE SEAERCH PATH.
Obtain a current release version of your product from:
Install the base package so that it can be found in the Windows search path.
Note that these instructions assumes a fresh Windows 11 Virtual Machine is used.
The latest "Tools" package (if available) can be found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/hamlib-sdk/files/Windows/JTSDK-4.0-Stream/ . |
It is recommended to use all the default settings and file locations provided by the installer.
It is recommended that you disable real-time scanning for your Antivirus program. This can significantly slow down deployment.
As users will have many varied solutions (Including the most common option being Windows Antivirus) the steps to do this will not be documented here.
When you start up the JTSDK64-Setup environment in Windows 11 you may notice the following:
------------------------------------------- JTSDK Setup v4.0.0 ------------------------------------------- Required Tools PowerShell ..... 5.1.26100.1882 VC Runtimes .... Not Installed Git ............ Not Installed OmniRig ........ Not Installed Qt Tool Chain(s) Deployed Qt: none Tools: none Optional Components VS Code ........ Not Installed Boost .......... Not Installed Post Install / Manual Setup Commands Main Install ... postinstall MSYS2 Shell .... msys2 PS C:\JTSDK64-Tools>
Commence Deployment with the following command:
The command postinstall starts the deployment process.
------------------------------------------------------ JTSDK64 Tools Post Install/Redeployment Selections ------------------------------------------------------ At the prompts indicate which components you want to install or redeploy. For VC Runtimes, OmniRig, Git, MSYS2 and VS Code use: --> Y/Yes or N/No Qt deployment now just runs the Installer and/or Maintenance Tool and no longer offers a scripted deployment option. Use: --> Y/Yes or N/No NOTE: VC Runtimes, Git, Qt and MSYS2 are mandatory to build JT-software. The Latest PowerShell is highly recommended. * Enter Your Install/Redeployment Selection(s): (recommended) Latest PowerShell (Y|N) .:
It is highly recommended (for performance reasons) that you deploy the latest PowerShell Core .
(required) VC/C++ Runtimes (Y|N) .....:
The Visual C/C++ Runtimes are required.
(required) OmniRig (Y|N) ..............:
The OmniRig Rig Control tool is required.
(required) Git-SCM (Y|N) ..............:
The Git-SCM is required.
(required) Qt (Y|N) ...................:
Qt 5.15.2 and any later versions, plus their support tools (i.e. MinGW 8.1, MinGW 13.1) must be deployed manually. Qt 5.15.2 must be deployed from "Archive" repositories......................
As it is impractical to script deployment from Archive repos, scripted deployments have been removed. One must manually deploy Qt and its components.
If you select 'N'
If "N" is selected then an additional option is made available:
(required) Qt 6.6.3 (Y|N) ..........: N --> Create link to Qt (Y|N) ........:
If "Y" is selected the system will search for Qt deployments and allow you to set up a link to a custom Qt deployment.
This permits you to create the necessary link within x:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools to your Qt deployment. Action is not documented here - please experiment before using.
(required) MSYS2 Setup (Y|N) ..........:
You are required to set up the MSYS2 environment.
(optional) VS Code (Y|N) ..............:
Visual Studio Code is an optional component. VS Code is an excellent editor for working with PowerShell scripts (if you need to customise these yourself). It also has a number of useful code formatter addins.
Note that deploying VS Code is not mandatory for JTSDK operation.
You are then presented with the selections you have made:
* Your Installation Selections: --> Latest PowerShell ................: Y --> VC Runtimes ......................: Y --> OmniRig ..........................: Y --> Git ..............................: Y --> Qt ...............................: Y --> MSYS2 ............................: Y --> VS Code ..........................: Y
During this phase some tools will require some interaction at the keyboard or via the mouse (especially the Qt deployment as one MUST now have their own account and agree to their licensing terms).
Follow on-screen prompts carefully. |
Manual intevention with installation programs will be required. |
If anything goes wrong RE-START the postinstall script, selecting 'N' to the option that failed. |
Refer any installation issues issues to the JTSDK Forum
A set of resources for deploying Qt 5.15.2 is available at https://hamlib-sdk.sourceforge.io/Qt/indexQt.html
Qt must be deployed to x:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\Qt
The resource https://hamlib-sdk.sourceforge.io/Qt/UDQT.html details how to deploy Qt 5.15.2 from Archive.
A MSYS2 environment window will open as part of the postinstall process.
JTSDK64 Tools MSYS2 (MSYS) For main menu, type ..: menu For Help Menu, type ..: jthelp Copyright (C) 2013-2024, GPLv3, Greg Beam, KI7MT and JTSDK Contributors. This is free software; There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. sdk@radio ~ $
------------------------------------- JTSDK64 Tools Main Menu ------------------------------------ 1. Set MSYS2 path to find Qt compilers 2. Update MSYS2 3. Install Hamlib dependencies 4. Install msys64 GNU Compilers 5. Install FL-app dependencies 6. Update MSYS2 Keyring (Deprecated) 7. Build Hamlib - Static Libraries 8. Build Hamlib - Dynamic Package 9. Add Hamlib to pkgconfig a. Clear Hamlib Source b. Select HAMLIB Repository h. List help commands v. List version information e. Enter 'e' or 'q' to exit Enter your selection, then hit:
Perform the following steps:
Note that the window may close on completion if there are updates.
Perform the following steps:
The basic deployment is now complete. |
Once complete you should exit the JTSDK64-Setup environment.
Perform the following step:
As of March 2024 it has been observed that Qt 5.15.2 is no longer available from "Mainstream" installer sources
Qt 5.15.2 is still available from "Archive" ast the time of writing. This means that Qt must be deployed manually from "Archive" Repositories |
By this stage you should already have Qt deployed
Yoiu can add additional kits such as Qt 6.7.2 along with its MinGW 13.1.0 components and the Qt Maintenance Tool.
See the guide https://sourceforge.net/projects/hamlib-sdk/files/JTware-Deployment/Deploying-Archived-Versions-of-Qt-via-Maintenance-Tool.docx for latest instructions |
Example: Adding additional Qt Kits
Perform the following steps:
To add Qt 6.7.2 (as an example):
On Completion:
There must only be ONE marker file indicating the Qt version selected in x:\JTSDK64-Tools\config If the system abends with a warning check the x:\JTSDK64-Tools\config directory and remove the unwanted item with the prefix 'qt' |
In JTSDK64-Tools:
Note: If you have difficulties packaging Hamlib with JTDX and/or JS8CALL you may need to use the The build-hamlib.sh script from the MSYS2 terminal as follows:
This will take time as it pulls from the master repository for Hamlib.
Source distribution repositories can be changed by changing the marker file in x:\JTSDK64-Tools\config
** THIS IS SLOW **. Despite "dropins" being available on the Sourceforge and Github the best procedure is to build your own. |
In JTSDK64-Tools:
Around 90 minutes later you should now have a deployment of Boost based at the recommended v1.84.0 (configurable in C:\JTSDK64-Tools\config\Versions.ini) that is suitable to build JT-ware under your selected Qt version on your machine.
Precompiled drop-in packages for Boost-1.74.0, Boost-1.81.0, Boost-1.82.0, Boost-1.83.0, Boost-1.84.0 and Boost-1.85.0 are available - saving many hours..
Extract the folder for the Boost version-package that you want to use into x:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\boost (create the directory if it does not exist) and then remove the -8.1 or -11.2 suffix !
A Windows symbolic link will also work with a drop-in package. Refer to the example below:
Note: The preference is to build your own Boost package and NOT use these "dropins".
A commandlet Reset-Boost.ps1 is available to reset Boost builds. |
Environments should now be complete for building JT-ware |
There are build errors at the final packaging stage that may arise that can be overcome with this simple set of steps.. |
General JT-ware Packaging Issues: Support for an "extras" folder
In order to overcome several issues extras folder has been included into X:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools where additional "missing" packaged DLL's can be placed.
i.e. copy missing DLL's, such as libgfortran-4.dll into this folder for recent WSJTX-builds to succeed.
Packaging requirements are therefore met.
This option is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR LONG TERM USE. It should be used as a LAST RESORT.
Fix the actual problem - whether it be how the libraries used are built OR it may be redundant scripted requirements from legacy code that has been re-introduced.
There is a JTDX-specific build issue (that may have already been addressed) that can be fixed quite easily by adding components into the WIndows search path.
On your Windows Destop:
Note: This is a temporary work-arround (if it has not been addressed already). Hopefully JTDX CMakeFile scripts will be updated in a future release so these patches are no longer requried.
The release-source-code pulled is for the latest JT-software release. The JT-source that you pull is configurable from C:\JTSDK64-Tools\config. Rename the file src-wsjtx from a default pull of WSJT-X to either src-jtdx or src-js8call if desired.
The "major" used Jt-ware distributions are supported without discrimination or political comment.
In JTSDK64-Tools:
Options preferred are package (a Windows Installer package - the preferred "clean" way) and rinstall (just a static directory full of "runnable" files).
It is highly recommended that the JTSDK64-4.0.0 be a fresh, new deployment. There is no guarantee that there wil not be read-only snd other file conflicts if installed over the top of existing deployments.
It is highly recommended that kits are deployed into Virtual machines (see "Deployment" section).
It is highly recommended that a new, fresh deployment be considered with each new base package release.
You can keep old deployment(s) by closing all open environment windows and renaming the deployment folder (i.e. C:\JTSDK64-Tools to C:\JTSDK64-Tools-Old)
If you need to revert back to your old deployment then all you need do is rename that folder back to its original filename (i.e. C:\JTSDK64-Tools-Old back to C:\JTSDK64-Tools )
Maintenance updates will be applied in the form of "Update" packages. The first anticipated update to the JTSDK64-4.0.0 stream would be anticipated to be JTSDK64-4.0.0-U1.exe .
Maintainers are no longer supporting the "Base" and "Tools" nomenclature.
It is ESSENTIAL that any available update packages be applied to a deployment. |
You do not need to apply previous update packages. Just deploy the latest update package that is available as it contains all previous updates for that stream.
These steps assume that you have a deployed base environment
Note: There is no current update package. The first update package would be expected to be JTSDK64-4.0.0-U1.exe.
Update packages are updates to the "Base" environments.
Update packages can only be applied to matching stream deployments
These steps assume that you have a deployed base environment
Note: The current package is JTSDK64-4.0.0.exe.
Updates may apply to the MSYS2 environment. Therefore the "profile" directory for MSYS2 should be deleted and re-created.
Note: The src directory in your backup should contain your previous work. It is safe to copy this enture foler across to your new MSYS2 Profile.
You will need to pull down your Hamlib repository again and/or restore any custom work to folders created within the MSYS2 environment.
The aim of JTSDK64-Tools is to use an Agile delivery approach to create a high-quality, yet flexible build system.
Base ref: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hamlib-sdk/files/Windows/JTSDK-4.0-Stream/README.md
Editor: Steve VK3VM/VK3SIR | Contact |